
The 7 Secrets to Controlling Your Scoliosis

In this article I’m going to share with you the 7 secrets or 7 Steps of the  Scoliosis Correction Protocol,  so that you can see clearly how a logical, step wise approach is the best way of dealing with scoliosis.


Balance Training

You probably take your balance for granted – until something goes wrong.

Technically, your awareness of your position and movement through space is called proprioception. (It comes from the Latin words meaning being receptive to your own).

Clients Testimonials

“After one appointment less pain in my shoulder than I have had in years”

Since I have had my appointment, I have had less pain in my arm and shoulder than I have had in years. It has actually made me realize how much pain I was constantly in. I have been taking 2 Aleve every night before bed for the past month. After one appointment I have not had to take this medication and have had a super, painfree, no wake-up in the middle of the night sleep. I am so thrilled !! Thank you for what you do.”