
The Magic Pill – A movie about the Keto Diet

I recently watched the move “The Magic Pill” on Netflix.

The premise of the movie is that a “ketogenic” diet, one that is high in fats and protein but low in carbs, can have amazing health benefits for people who follow it.


The Real Definition of Scoliosis

Generally people refer to scoliosis as a disease and culturally the word disease has some pretty bad connotations. You might hear someone say ‘don’t touch me you have a disease’ – that implies a disease is infections. Scoliosis isn’t infectious.


What Can History Tell us About Scoliosis?

By Ed Paget, Founder of the Scoliosis Correction Protocol.

Picture this: You’ve just found out you have a scoliosis, or your son or daughter has just been diagnosed as having a scoliosis. If you are like most people you’ve gone home and googled it, and what do you read?