What Does An Osteopath Do For Health and Vitality?
I spend a large portion of my day as an osteopath advising people what to do for their health and wellbeing. Many of them ask me what I do to keep fit and healthy. To answer this I've made a series of short videos on what I get up to. Here the first one
Could Somatic Education Be The Key To Releasing Contracted and Painful Muscles?
What’s Hanna Somatics? I first heard of the work 2 months ago when listening to a series of podcasts hosted by Frank Forencich of www.exuberantanimal.com, if you haven’t heard of him I suggest you check out his site, that's him in the picture, its a bit fuzzy but you get the idea that he likes
Nice to be featured in the official Magazines of the British Osteopathic Association and the General Osteopathic Council UK
I've had a lot of  interest in my Olympic experience from the UK. It nice to be recognized by the profession as I believe I was the only UK trained in Sochi One of the groups who was interested in my story was OSCA (Osteopathic Sports Care Association).  This was the group that successfully integrated osteopathy
Managing the Health of the Elite Athlete
"80% of British Track and Field athletes selected to compete at the London 2012 Olympic Games had injuries or illnesses requiring management before, during and after the Games...." This article from the British Journal of Sports Medicine examines the health  management and performance optimization of elite athletes from an integrated sports medicine approach.  The authors