Episode 5: Lifestyle problems require lifestyle solutions with Dr. Sally Bell
Welcome to "Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine" This is the podcast that explores how a person's lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. What do you do when you are sick and don't know the cause of your illness? Well, like any regular person, you would go to your doctor's appointment, and in that 10-minute appointment, the doctor might come up with a diagnosis or send you for tests. This can be part of the process, but many people have to wait until they are really sick to fit into a diagnosis. Then they are given medicine to help the symptoms but not treat the cause. But what if you are given medication before you get a clear diagnosis? Can this help or hinder it? This was the case of Dr. Sally Bell; she is an NHS General Practitioner in the UK with expertise in lifestyle medicine. She has been working as a community doctor for more than 20 years in the UK and Africa and still, today, works part-time in NHS urgent care. When she suffered health issues, she trusted her doctors but didn't get the answers she wanted. The medical model that she was taught let her down. This made her look deeper into the root cause of her problems which she managed to heal with lifestyle changes. She is now convinced that there are better solutions to complex and chronic health problems than the conventional medical approach. This led her to undertake more training in Functional Medicine, which opened her eyes to the body's remarkable ability to heal itself. But, as she now knows, it can only do that if you learn how to create the right conditions. In today's episode, Dr. Sally Bell takes us through her journey to cure herself and how she developed the five foundations of well-being. She explains why nutrition, movement, sleep, rest, and connection are the pillars of a healthy life. Join us and learn why lifestyle problems require lifestyle solutions. Work with Dr. Sally Bell Website: https://www.drsallybell.com/home Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsallybell/ Website: www.edpaget.com email: ed@edpaget.com Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ed.paget Thanks for listening! Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram
Episode 4: Healthy Soil = Healthy People with Mike Dorion
Welcome to "Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine" This is the podcast that explores how a person's lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. In this episode, I explore how conventional farming affects the quality of the nutrients in our food and the benefits of transforming traditional agriculture into Regenerative Agriculture. Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that seeks to rehabilitate and enhance the entire ecosystem of conventional farms. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting biosequestration, increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of farm soil. Mike Dorion AKA "The compost kid," is an expert in Permaculture Design, SPIN Farming, and Greenhouse Design; and a mentor in Soil and Soil Microbiology. He explains how everything starts in the soil, the benefits of the regenerative agriculture movement, and the new technology to measure the necessary levels of nutrients in our food to get a healthy and balanced diet. Join us to find out how you can improve your health through regenerative agriculture. Work with Mike Dorion Websites: https://www.livingsoil.ca/  https://www.highfieldfarm.ca/ Instagram: @livingsoilsolutions email me: ed@edpaget.com
Episode 3: Why nutrition is key to treat autoimmune diseases with Dr. Terry Wahls
Welcome to "Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine" This podcast explores how a person's lifestyle can be the key to health and happiness. Autoimmune disease happens when the body's natural defense system can't distinguish between your own and foreign cells, causing the body to attack itself mistakenly. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of 80 types of autoimmune diseases affecting many body parts. In this episode, I talk to Dr. Terry Wahls who is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa. She is most well-known for reversing her symptoms of secondary progressive MS. Her self-experimentation led to her creating the "Wahls Protocol" and now she helps people from all over the world manage their autoimmune diseases with a natural, and this is the important part, proven protocol.  We’ll discuss her research and why the scientific process is important. Join us and learn how you can use your lifestyle to recover from and prevent a whole host of medical problems that are endemic in our society today. Work with Dr. Terry Wahls Website: https://terrywahls.com/ Wahls Protocol: https://terrywahls.com/diet/ Instagram: @TerryWahlsMD email me: ed@edpaget.com
Episode 2: Holistic Nutrition with Barb Sheldon
Welcome to "Your Lifestyle is your medicine." This podcast explores how a person's lifestyle can be the key to health and happiness. One of the pillars of a long and healthy life is nutrition. Holistic nutrition is the process of sourcing good quality food and preparing it properly so the body can absorb as many nutrients as possible. Holistic nutrition requires a whole-life approach— one's health is an expression of the complex interplay between the physical, chemical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects of one's life and being. In today's show, I deep dive into holistic nutrition with my guest Barb Sheldon. Together we explore how digestion (gut-brain), energy levels, hormonal responses, movement, sleep, immunity, and stress levels determine the state of your body before deciding on your nutrition goals. Barb also shares some practical tips to overcome adrenal fatigue/tiredness in your everyday life. Join us to learn how to improve your health through holistic nutrition. Work with Barb Sheldon: Website: https://www.barbsheldon.com/ Instagram: @barbsheldonculinarynutrition email me: ed@edpaget.com