
Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine

January 14, 2023
Episode 14: Discover How to Use Your Brain for Optimal Functioning with Liam Naden

Welcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. We all strive to achieve happiness, but do we really know what happiness is? Everybody defines happiness: as success, wealth, knowledge, pair recognition, etc. However, not everybody knows that...

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December 9, 2022
Episode 13: Rebellious wellness over 50 with Gregory Anne Cox

Welcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. Can we create health after 50? My guest this week, Gregory Anne Cox, talks about the importance of mindset in our question about health and wellness. She addresses the...

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November 25, 2022
Episode 12: The Benefits of Functional Medicine with Dr. Shane Steadman

Welcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. Functional medicine is a term that is largely unfamiliar to the general public, although it was how doctors used to treat patients in the past. Functional medicine can be...

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November 11, 2022
Episode 11: The PABR method: Pain relief through breathing with Dr. Amy Novotny

Welcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. The nervous system is the body’s command center. Originating from the brain, it controls movements, thoughts, and automatic responses to the world around us. It also controls other body...

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