Welcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This podcast explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to health and happiness. If you need more visible results despite the time, effort, and energy put into embracing ancestral traditions and nourishment to achieve vibrant health, then you are not alone! After discovering “Born to Run,”...
Listen to PodcastWelcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This podcast explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to health and happiness. Everyone knows that anything worth having takes work and effort. But what happens when you have accumulated a lifetime of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck because you’re doing the work but not seeing...
Listen to PodcastWelcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. Does this sound familiar? You’ve been told to “eat less and exercise more” to get optimal health and well-being, but you’re still not seeing the desired results. If this...
Listen to PodcastWelcome to “Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine” This is the podcast that explores how a person’s lifestyle can be the key to their health and happiness. Exercise, nutrition, rest, managing stress, avoiding toxic substances, and building community are Lifestyle Medicine’s tenants to structure changes to add healthspan to your lifespan. That’s what my guest of...
Listen to Podcast"Oh My Gosh- I am ALREADY feeling relief after a few days! I used to wake up 2-3 times a night with shooting pain that anti inflammatories couldn't touch. Now I have been waking up just because I want to notice what it feels like to lay in bed pain free- THANK YOU!."
"When I first started with your program I was experience a lot of pain. Walking was difficult. I had to stop and catch my breath every few minutes and lean against a wall for support. Now when I walk with my husband we go for over an hour. I never had to sit down and stop...and, hardly any pain!!! 😊😊 I can’t thank you enough."
Frustrated that you aren't recovering fast enough?
Discover how to heal from illness and injury using movement, food and lifestyle.