
Side Plank Challenge

The plank and the side plank are often touted as a great core exercises.

This usually means that people ‘feel’ it in their mid section, but actually if you look at the mechanics of it, planks do a lot more than the work the core.

Rather than list all the muscles planks stimulates to contract, I find it easier to re-define what core means. Dr Gary Gray said it best when he described the core as “anything that connects the toes to the nose”.


The “7 Schools Of Scoliosis”

If you want to know about the options that are out there for you and your scoliosis you have come to the right place.

You are not alone in seeking a non-invasive approach, which can be especially difficult if you live in North America. The reason being is that the North American approach to scoliosis is the“wait and see approach”. 


The Hidden Factors Behind Illness and Injury

Have you ever had an injury that just didn’t heal? Or maybe your first injury got better only to be replaced by another ache or pain?

In this article I’m going to use an osteopathic approach to explain this phenomenon.  A skilled therapist will look deeper and work with the root cause of the problem.