Nice to be featured in the official Magazines of the British Osteopathic Association and the General Osteopathic Council UK

April 24, 2014

I’ve had a lot of  interest in my Olympic experience from the UK.

It nice to be recognized by the profession as I believe I was the only UK trained in Sochi

One of the groups who was interested in my story was OSCA (Osteopathic Sports Care Association).  This was the group that successfully integrated osteopathy into the poly clinic of the London Olympic Games in 2012. They’ll asked me to write an article for their website.  That article got republished in the British Osteopathic Association’s official magazine.  Here is a link to the PDF which you can download.  In addition to that  a shorter version was  published in The Osteopath,which is the magazine that the governing body of osteopathy in the UK, GOSC, distributes.



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