What’s the real cost of chasing the American dream?
Today, we’re exploring this question with Carlos Hidalgo, author of Un-American Dream, a book about his personal journey of chasing recognition, prestige, and riches and how it almost cost him his marriage, identity, and career.
As we dissect the societal pressures leading us towards overwork and self-sacrifice. We’re questioning our cultural attitudes towards busyness and whether it’s an accurate measure of our importance or a trap we’ve inadvertently fallen into.
We dive head-first into the powerful role of values and boundaries in crafting our lives. We’re sharing strategies to identify what we truly treasure and how to set boundaries to bring our best to every aspect of our existence.
Finally, Carlos discerns the influence of parenting, personal experiences, and social media on our perceptions of success. We emphasize the importance of being content with our unique definitions of success.
Join us as we navigate the delicate balance between hustle and happiness.
Follow Carlos Hidalgo
LinkedIn: Carlos Hidalgo
Book: The Unamerican Dream
TedX: Setting work-life boundaries
website: www.digitalexhaust.co
email: carlos@digitalexhaust.co
Connect with me
email: ed@edpaget.com
Ed Paget is an osteopath, writer, presenter, and creator of both the Scoliosis Correction Protocol and the Back Pain Correction Protocol.
Over the last 15 years working with private clients he has developed a system of unique assessments and treatments that aim to unravel the complex web of compensations that we all have to reveal the underlying cause of illness or injury. This unique approach hasn’t gone unnoticed and Ed was recruited to work with the Canadian National Speed Skating team and was invited to the Sochi Olympics as part of team Canada’s medical contingent. He is currently a consultant to the Calgary Sport Institute and has been asked to share his Fascia stretching protocol or F.A.S.T class with both the National Alpine ski team and Biathlon team.
Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly
"Oh My Gosh- I am ALREADY feeling relief after a few days! I used to wake up 2-3 times a night with shooting pain that anti inflammatories couldn't touch. Now I have been waking up just because I want to notice what it feels like to lay in bed pain free- THANK YOU!."
"When I first started with your program I was experience a lot of pain. Walking was difficult. I had to stop and catch my breath every few minutes and lean against a wall for support. Now when I walk with my husband we go for over an hour. I never had to sit down and stop...and, hardly any pain!!! 😊😊 I can’t thank you enough."
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