Your Lifestyle Your Medicine

Episode 29: Live more authentically on purpose with Paul Weeden

Mental health is pivotal in today’s live-to-work culture and our children’s emotional and behavioral development.

Join us as we welcome our insightful guest, Paul Weedon. As an integrative therapist and embodiment coach, Paul navigates us through the labyrinth of life’s challenges, explaining why self-care is primordial in the work environment. He also takes us deep into the alarming rise of anxiety and depression among young people.

Paul Weeden is the founder of Be Authentic on Purpose and helps burnt-out and frustrated professionals align with their authenticity and purpose.

He uses fascinating examples from various activities, such as dancing, acting, singing, and martial arts, to illustrate how we can step out of our comfort zones and foster a unique skill set.

As we wrap up our discussion, we confront the potential impact of video games on young individuals’ well-being. Critically examining how the gaming industry may contribute to emotional and behavioral changes in today’s youth, we propose alternative ways to manage stress and anxiety. From physical activity to storytelling, there’s much more this generation can explore to enhance their overall development.

Are you ready to redefine the conversation around lifestyle and wellness?

Join us, and let’s embark on this journey together.

Connect with me

Website: www.edpaget.com

email: ed@edpaget.com

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Ed Paget

Ed Paget is an osteopath, writer, presenter, and creator of both the Scoliosis Correction Protocol and the Back Pain Correction Protocol.

Over the last 15 years working with private clients he has developed a system of unique assessments and treatments that aim to unravel the complex web of compensations that we all have to reveal the underlying cause of illness or injury. This unique approach hasn’t gone unnoticed and Ed was recruited to work with the Canadian National Speed Skating team and was invited to the Sochi Olympics as part of team Canada’s medical contingent. He is currently a consultant to the Calgary Sport Institute and has been asked to share his Fascia stretching protocol or F.A.S.T class with both the National Alpine ski team and Biathlon team.

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Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly