6 Self-Care Dos and Don’ts for Wannabe Entrepreneurs

August 21, 2021

Below is a guest post from Kim Thomas – it’s not just about fitness and rehab but more about a wholistic approach to life.  This is something that most entrepreneurs forget when they are working 20 hours a day to get their businesses off the ground…. if resonate with that this post is for you.

Think you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? Well if you’re not taking your overall health and well-being seriously, you may be missing one essential skill of the best and brightest in the business world. Self-care is just as critical to your startup as a business plan, startup funding, marketing, and profits.

To help hopeful business owners like yourself fit more self-care into an already-busy schedule, here are a few helpful dos and don’ts.

Do Simplify Startup Tasks
Need to set up a structure for your new business? If you opt to register as an LLC, you will be protecting your personal assets and decreasing your tax burden all at the same time, which definitely qualifies as a form of self-care since you’ll be relieving stress. Just be sure to confirm your state’s rules before filing for your LLC, or you can hire a formation service like Zenbusiness, Inc to handle the registration process.

Don’t Sacrifice Your Fitness
All-too-many entrepreneurs spend the majority of their day sitting in front of a computer as they try to make their dreams come true. As it turns out, sitting can have severe consequences for your health and well-being. So in-between projects, try to get up and get moving. This could be as simple as taking a walk outside with your dog or participating in a quick online fitness class.


Do Ask for Help and Guidance
Another self-care tip for boosting your health and business at the same time? Consider investing in a coach or consultant to help with either, or both! For example, if you’re having trouble healing from an injury, a coach like Ed Paget can help you heal using movement, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. Sometimes all you need is an extra push and some added support to achieve your business and life goals!


Don’t Try to Survive on Snacks
Whether you’re in the business of traveling or any other industry that keeps you on the go, it can be all too tempting to reach for foods that are convenient. Unfortunately, all these processed and packaged snacks and beverages can take a negative toll on your mood, cognitive abilities, and energy levels. Instead, try to prepare meals ahead of time to fuel your brain and body effectively.


Do Set Boundaries From the Start
This one’s important for your mental health, but it can also help you maximize your productivity. If you’re working from home on your new business, you need to be able to set clear expectations and boundaries with other members of your household. Create “do not disturb” hours and also try to set up your workspace in an area with minimal potential for distractions.


Don’t Sacrifice Work-Life Balance
Boundaries are also crucial when establishing relationships with clients and business partners, so on the flipside also create “do not disturb” hours for email and work-related activities. It’s so critical but also something that most entrepreneurs are reluctant to do. The truth is, those emails and opportunities will be there in the morning. So there’s no reason for you to be on call 24/7, or to sacrifice self-care on the road to success. You need work-life balance to thrive and survive.

Yes, having some business basics like a plan and funding is a must if you want to enjoy success as a new entrepreneur. But you should also recognize the importance of self-care and leaving enough time in your busy schedule to properly take care of your physical and mental health. If you don’t, you could end up burning out before your business has a chance to shine.

Make yourself a priority! Because at the end of the day, your business needs you to succeed!

Photo Credit: Pexels

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Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly