Unlocking the Secrets to Better Sleep: Why Temperature Is Key
Sleep is fundamental to our overall health and well-being, yet many of us struggle to get the quality and quantity of rest we need. In this article, I’m going to highlight the insights and expertise of Tara Youngblood, a renowned sleep expert who recently appeared on my podcast, to uncover the secrets to unlocking better sleep and improving your daily life. If you want to watch or listen to the podcast, you can go here:

The Science of Sleep

Sleep is a complex physiological process that is crucial to our physical and mental health. During sleep, our bodies undergo a series of restorative and rejuvenating processes, from tissue repair to memory consolidation. Tara, the co-founder of Chili Technology, has dedicated her career to understanding the science behind sleep and developing innovative solutions to help people get the rest they need. In most cases, people’s minds quiet down, and the core body temperature drops a couple of degrees just prior to sleep. 

The Impact of Sleep on Our Lives

The consequences of poor sleep can be far-reaching, affecting our cognitive function, mood, and overall well-being. Inadequate sleep has been linked to a range of health issues, including increased risk of chronic diseases, weakened immune system, and impaired mental health. Tara emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep and understanding its profound impact on our daily lives.

Identifying and Addressing Sleep Challenges

One of the key insights Tara shares is the importance of understanding each individual's unique sleep needs and challenges. When a person has trouble sleeping, the cause has to be identified.  Sleep disorders like insomnia can pose challenges but are better understood now than they were just 10 years ago. Lifestyle factors that disrupt sleep are also better understood, and simple things like meal timing, decreasing caffeine, and limiting blue light are being shown to impact sleep.  Identifying the root causes of our sleep issues and developing personalized strategies to overcome them is a crucial starting place.

Optimizing Your Sleep Environment

The environment in which we sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of our rest.  What this means is that we need to understand how our room’s temperature, lighting, and noise levels can affect our sleep. By creating a sleep-conducive space, we can set the stage for a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.  Changing the environment isn’t always possible, so we can use tools like white noise (fans), earplugs, and sleep masks to change how our bodies interact. 

Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits

Becoming a creature of sleep habit is also very important. Too many of my clients stay up late and sleep in on weekends, which resets the circadian rhythms in the body—essentially, these are our internal body clocks. A few hours of sleep change on a Friday and Saturday night equates to traveling a couple of time zones. When Monday morning rolls around, getting up at an earlier time means you are getting over jet lag.

But this is only part of it. In addition to establishing a regular sleep schedule, Tara advises implementing relaxation techniques and incorporating physical activity into daily routines. By cultivating these habits, we can train our bodies to better respond to sleep and wake cycle cues.

Harnessing Technology for Better Sleep

In the digital age, technology has become both a blessing and a curse when it comes to sleep. We can leverage technology to enhance our sleep quality, from using sleep-tracking devices to incorporating temperature-regulating solutions, which is what Tara invented. She created a water-cool mattress topper that I’ve been using for about three years and absolutely love.


Sleep Myths and Misconceptions

One of the biggest myths is that alcohol makes you sleep better.  Alcohol raises the body's metabolism, which increases the temperature.  This prevents deeper sleep, and if you have ever tracked your sleep on an Oura Ring or Whoop, you will notice that even one drink can change your sleep profile significantly. Also, some people think that reading can help you sleep, but research suggests that it depends on what you read.  Stimulating news articles on a device with blue light can stimulate cortisol and adrenaline, whereas a novel on a paper book can have the opposite effect.

Personalized Strategies for Better Sleep

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to sleep. Even when using something like a cooling sheet, everyone has no set temperature. Experimenting is key here, and Tara suggests thinking back to childhood, as a lot of our patterns are formed around the ages of 6-8. If you really don’t know where to start, think back to where you were when you were younger, and if you slept well, then try and recreate some of the environmental factors that you had then.

Deep restorative sleep is vital to preventing chronic diseases and cognitive decline. Sleep is going to be at the foundation of your habits to add healthspan to a long lifespan. Sometimes, you need a coach to help set you on the right path.

If you want to discuss your specific situation with me, please contact me via the Contact Us page. We'll see if we can make 'your lifestyle your medicine.'
The Vital Role of Sleep: How It Affects You and Tips for Improvement
Sleep is an essential component of our lives that we cannot afford to overlook. Despite this, many of us have disrupted our sleep patterns and end up regretting the long-term consequences. The impact of insufficient sleep can be profound, affecting our physical and mental health in numerous ways.

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

As most of us can relate, lack of sleep can immediately affect mood, energy levels, and the ability to focus. According to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep deprivation can significantly increase stress levels, making it difficult to manage daily challenges. This is because insufficient sleep disrupts stress hormones, impairing cognitive functions. So far, our societal solution is to medicate with coffee. It's not really a long-term fix, is it? I can personally attest to the importance of sleep. Once, during a particularly hectic week at work, I found myself surviving on just a few hours of sleep each night. My stress levels skyrocketed, and simple tasks like remembering my phone number became challenging. It was a stark reminder of how crucial a good night's sleep is to mental clarity and made me wonder how doctors, first responders, and politicians actually function with such little sleep. 

Common Consequences of Poor Sleep

  1. Increased Irritability: Lack of sleep often leads to irritability and anxiety, which can diminish motivation and make daily activities daunting.
  2. Impaired Motor Functioning: Sleep deprivation causes problems with coordination and slow response times, which can be dangerous, especially when driving or operating machinery.
  3. Weakened Immune System: Research shows that insufficient sleep can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. The immune system relies on sleep to produce cytokines, proteins that help combat infection and inflammation.
  4. Sleep Disorders: Conditions like insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy can severely disrupt your sleep, leading to daytime sleepiness and other health issues.

Sleep is Cool

In an upcoming podcast, I interviewed the inventor and sleep expert Tara Youngblood, and she reminded me about our body’s natural temperature changes during sleep.  Keeping cool is something that has eluded me in hot countries until I tried her Ooler sleep system.  Which is essentially a water-cooled mattress topper. On a double bed, the system can be programmed to keep one side warm and the other cool, which is perfect for couples with different body temps at night.  You’ll be able to listen to the entire podcast soon when it goes live. Body temperature isn’t the only thing we can manage to improve sleep. Here are six tips to improve your sleep and strengthen your immunity as well:
  1. Seek Out the Sun: Exposure to natural light, especially in the morning, helps reinforce your circadian rhythm. Good sleep starts in the morning. 
  2. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps regulate your sleep cycle.
  3. Exercise Daily: Physical activity supports your internal clock and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  4. Avoid Caffeine in the Afternoon: Caffeine can disrupt sleep, so try to avoid it after noon.
  5. Limit Light Before Bed: Dim the lights and avoid electronic devices before bedtime to prevent interference with your sleep cycle.
  6. Keep Naps Short and Early: Long or late naps can disrupt your nighttime sleep schedule.


Sleep is vital for our health and well-being. By understanding the effects of sleep deprivation and taking steps to improve our sleep patterns, we can enhance our overall quality of life. So, prioritize your sleep, and your body and mind will thank you. If you want help unraveling the complexities of sleep and how you can improve it, let’s talk about your specific situation. Please get in touch with me via the Contact Us page, and we’ll see if we can make ”your lifestyle your medicine.” Reference: American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (n.d.). Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency. Retrieved from https://aasm.org/sleep-deprivation-and-deficiency.
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Bulging Discs and Herniations

Understanding Disc Bulges and Herniations

Up to 85% of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. While most cases resolve within a few days, some are caused by a disc bulge or herniation and take longer to heal. These conditions occur when the gel-like center of the disc (the nucleus pulposus) gets squeezed out, putting pressure on the surrounding nerves and causing pain that can radiate down the leg, commonly known as sciatica. It's important to note that disc bulges are very common. Studies show that 29% of people in their 30s and up to 84% in their 80s have disc bulges without any associated pain. This highlights that not all disc bulges or herniations are cause for concern, but they are more prevalent than one might think.

Mistake #1: Prolonged Inactivity

One common mistake when dealing with a disc issue is stopping all exercise and physical activity. While initial rest is understandable, prolonged inactivity can lead to further problems. The spine's muscles, such as the paraspinal muscles and muscular slings connecting the abdomen, back, and legs, need movement to function properly and facilitate healing. Walking is particularly beneficial as it helps maintain proper spinal alignment and posture while gently pumping inflammation out of the affected area and bringing in fresh, nutrient-rich blood. Avoiding activity can weaken muscles and ligaments, exacerbating the problem and increasing the likelihood of future back pain episodes.

Mistake #2: Overstretching

When dealing with a disc issue, the natural inclination may be to stretch the muscles causing pain, such as the hamstrings or calves. However, this can do more harm than good. Stretching the leg forward can tighten the sciatic nerve, pushing the disc bulge or herniation further into the surrounding tissues and exacerbating inflammation and pain. Instead of traditional stretching, techniques like neural flossing, which gently mobilizes the nerve, may be more appropriate. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your specific condition.

Mistake #3: Dehydration

The discs in our spine are hydrophilic, meaning they attract water. At night, the discs absorb water and swell slightly, which is why we're a bit taller in the morning. Throughout the day, gravity and movement push this water out, and proper movement replenishes the discs with nutrients and flushes out waste products. If you don't drink enough water, the discs can become dehydrated, making them less resilient and more susceptible to injury. Drinking a large glass of water first thing in the morning can help ensure your discs are well-hydrated and better equipped to handle the stresses of daily life.

Mistake #4: Obsessing Over MRI Results

MRI scans can be useful in diagnosing and confirming disc issues, but they should not be taken as gospel. The interpretation of MRI results can be subjective, with different radiologists and clinicians potentially arriving at different conclusions. Additionally, the technology and algorithms used to produce the images can vary between MRI machines and manufacturers. It's important to remember that the presence of a disc bulge or herniation on an MRI does not necessarily mean it is the sole cause of your pain. Many people have bulges and herniations without experiencing any symptoms. Instead of obsessing over the MRI report and worrying about surgery, focus on implementing appropriate exercises and lifestyle changes to manage your condition.

Mistake #5: Ignoring the Bigger Picture

When dealing with a disc issue, it's easy to become laser-focused on the specific problem area, such as the L5-S1 disc. However, it's important to consider the bigger picture and how other factors may contribute to your condition. For example, hip stiffness and a continued flexed posture can put additional stress on the L5-S1 disc, leading to a bulge or herniation. Addressing underlying health and postural issues through targeted exercises and lifestyle modifications can be just as important as managing the disc problem itself. By avoiding these common mistakes and taking a holistic approach to your recovery, you can better manage your disc condition and reduce the risk of future episodes of back pain. If you have specific concerns or would like personalized guidance on managing your back pain or scoliosis, send me a message via the Contact Us page or connect with me directly via email, Instagram, or Facebook. We can create a tailored plan to help you achieve your goals and live a healthier, pain-free life.
  1. https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Low-Back-Pain#:~:text=An%20estimated%2075%2D85%25%20of,and%20pain%20improves%20without%20surgery.
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25430861/
Adding Health To A Long Life, Why Muscles Are Key
Aging is an inevitable part of life, but the way we age might be more in our control than we think. Muscular weakness has long been associated with declining overall health as we age but muscular strength can reverse it. A recent study of 1275 older adults has shed new light on the relationship between muscular strength and aging (1). The intriguing findings suggest that maintaining solid muscles may be vital to slowing biological aging.

The Link Between Muscular Weakness and Aging

The researchers state, ""There is a large body of evidence linking muscular weakness, as determined by low grip strength, to a host of negative aging-related health outcomes. Given these links, grip strength has been labeled a ''biomarker of aging."" When most people think of aging, they consider it in terms of the number of years they have lived, also known as their chronological age. However, biological aging, which refers to the changes that occur in our bodies over time, can be different from chronological age.  Biological age is a more meaningful measure of aging as it is modifiable and varies from person to person. We can gain insights into disease risk and overall health by measuring biological age.

How do we measure biological age?

Scientists have recently developed epigenetic clocks to give you an idea of your body's biological age. For example, imagine we are studying identical twins who were both 40 years old, but one was overweight, never exercised, drank excessively, and had a history of high stress. By contrast, the other ate well, managed stress, and had a regular exercise regime; an epigenetic clock should be able to look at the DNA of the ''hard living'' twin and notice that their body had aged faster than the other. 

How do they do that?

These clocks analyze patterns of DNA methylation, and by comparing an individual's DNA methylation pattern to a reference population, researchers can estimate their biological age. There are even clocks such as the PhenoAge clock, which have proven to be accurate predictors of remaining life expectancy and disease risk. To learn more about epigenetic clocks, check out my interview with Dr Morgan Levine, the inventor of PhenoAge, here.

What does this have to do with grip strength?

Muscular weakness has been linked to various adverse outcomes associated with aging, like diabetes, cognitive decline (e.g., Alzheimer's disease), and early all-cause mortality. This study aimed to see if there was some connection between what the epigenetic clocks showed and what the grip strength test showed. Only some people can access epigenetic testing, so measuring grip strength would be an excellent proxy. It was remarkable that they discovered that increasing muscular strength contributes to a slower pace of biological aging. So what does this mean? It really underscores the importance of regular physical activity, including strength training, in our lives. This is important because nearly all my clients over 50 have no regular weight training routine. They are usually 2-5 lbs if they lift weights, which is needed. Four key takeaways:
  1. Exercise for Longevity: Incorporating strength training exercises into your fitness routine can be a powerful tool in promoting a longer, healthier life. If you don't know how to do that, there are many resources for personal trainers on the internet and in person.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: The focus should not just be on adding years to your life but on adding life to your years. Strong muscles may contribute to a more active and independent lifestyle as you age. Do we stop playing because we get old, or do we get old because we stop playing? 
  3. Preventative Medicine: By taking steps to maintain and improve your muscular strength now, you can stave off age-related health issues in the future. Add to the bank now to help protect yourself in the future. 
  4. Lifestyle Medicine Approach: Don't forget that a balanced diet, mental stimulation, and social engagement are also important factors in healthy aging. A lifestyle approach to well-being is vital if you want help with lifestyle medicine.
Studies like this highlight the significant link between muscular strength and biological aging. Maintaining solid muscles plays a vital role in slowing the aging process. If you want to age gracefully, stay active, and put a health span into your life, then incorporating regular strength training into your daily life should be a crucial part of your future. Sometimes, you need a coach to help set you on the right path.  If you want to talk to me about your specific situation, please get in touch with me via the Contact Us page, and we'll see if we can make ''your lifestyle your medicine''.
  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36353822/ https://youtu.be/PPoaG0HwVxI https://youtu.be/PPoaG0HwV