
April 14, 2022

Relationships are part of our prosocial human nature.

I was the youngest in my family.  Unfortunately for me it meant that I was born when my grandparents were old. I missed both my grandfathers, one of my grandmothers and only managed to meet the other grandmother a few times before she died none of which I remember. 

However, if you are a grandparent… then you might be interested in this.

Scientists from the University of Atlanta thought it would be revealing to look at the brains of grandmothers when they are viewing photographs of their grandchildren. What they noticed was the areas in the brain that are commonly associated with emotional empathy lit up.

What does this mean?  Well, if you were lucky enough to meet your grandparents did you notice how they might have doted on you a little bit.  Did they slip you sweets or give you pocket money without your parents knowing? Or if you have kids have you noticed how nice your parents are to your grandkids? 

One explanation for this is that the grandmother’s brains can start to feel what their grandchildren are feeling. So if they are happy when they eat sweets or have an extra serving of ice cream then so is the grandparent..

James Rilling, the lead author and professor in Emory’s Department of Anthropology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences said “If their grandchild is smiling, they’re feeling the child’s joy. And if their grandchild is crying, they’re feeling the child’s pain and distress.” 

When I had kids I used to get annoyed with the presents and the sweets that my kids received from their grandparents. I thought that it was a clumsy way to ‘buy’ their love and affection, but this research has made me question my assumptions.

These relationships are important and the connections go deep and go both ways, especially as the grandchildren age.

A study published by Boston College researchers in 2014 noted that close ties between grandparents and adult grandchildren reduced depressive symptoms in both groups. This also confirms and adds to previous research that showed these bonds were also associated with fewer emotional and behavioral problems among children, and fewer social difficulties. 

It’s not always possible for grandparents to have active roles in their grandchildren’s lives. This could be due to geography, age or even willingness. One of my friends parents used to refer to herself as a granny slave whenever babysitting duties were requested, but as we are beginning to find out these relationships can have deep and profound benefits fore everyone involved.

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