Goggins Challenge

January 21, 2023

Are you ready to find out what you are made of in Nicaragua?

This won’t be easy.  No-one can run for you, no-one can sleep for you…but I can promise you this…it will be an experience to remember.

$300 for 3 nights in dorm room, food, pool, cold tub, guide.

After filling in the the form, Ed will review your application. If he determines you are a good fit he will email you to schedule a call so that we can be completely sure that joining the challenge will be beneficial for you.

If accepted a deposit of $100USD will be required to reserve your spot.

This challenge is limited to just 6 people.

Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly