What Inspired Me to Go Alcohol-Free

April 24, 2024

What Inspired Me to Go Alcohol-Free?

In recent times, there’s been a noticeable wave of celebrities and influencers embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle. People like Blake Lively of Gossip Girl Fame, Bradley Cooper, Drew Barrymore, Eminem, and Zac Efron have been vocal about their journeys. However, what truly pushed me to make this change was a podcast conversation with an old friend. He candidly described his weekly routine of heavy drinking โ€“ from Wednesday nights to Sunday afternoons, a cycle of anxiety and unhealthy habits. He realized that nobody really cared if he drank or not and during the COVID lockdowns questioned if it was something he needed in his life or not. This realization hit home when he compared spending Saturdays hungover and lethargic versus energized and healthy after a high-energy Cross fit workout. For me, even a single beer affects my sleep and triggers sugar cravings, which is not in line with my health and fitness goals.ย 

How Long Have I Been Alcohol-Free?

It’s only been four months since I decided to go alcohol-free. The accumulation of insights from my friend’s story, my own experiences, and a Rich Roll podcast featuring Ruari Fairbairns of “One Year No Beer” finally pushed me to take the leap.

Positive Changes Since Going Alcohol-Free

One of the most significant shifts I’ve noticed is in my role as a parent. Sharing custody of my kids meant having a “free” Friday night each week. Initially, I relished the idea of carefree evenings reminiscent of my younger days. However, waking up groggy on Saturdays wasn’t the image I wanted to portray to my children. Even a small amount of alcohol left me feeling “hungover.” Special occasion binges led to brutal hangovers, signaling that my tolerance had dropped. Listening to Ruari Fairbairns, I found a balanced perspective. He emphasized cutting down rather than complete abstinence, advocating for mindful drinking choices. He noted that if he asks people to stop drinking he gets a very small percentage of people to comply.ย  If he asks people to cut down he gets a high compliance rate. He went on to say that if someone offers him a high-quality drink, in the right environment with the right people he’s going to say yes.ย 

But a cheap daytime beer…no way.

That resonated with me, and I’m still waiting to find the right drink in the right place with the right people!

Improvements in Physical Health

As a lifestyle coach, my health was already good. Nevertheless, eliminating alcohol has notably improved my sleep quality. Even one beer used to disrupt my rest, and without it, I’ve found deeper, more restorative sleep.

Challenges and Insights

One of the unexpected challenges has been friends questioning when I’ll return to drinking, especially my British friends. The pub-centric culture in the UK can make this decision seem radical. However, I’ve noticed a natural end to social gatherings when alcohol isn’t involved. The conversation stays engaging and purposeful, and I’ve become adept at leaving early. With my 5 a.m. wake-up call, late nights don’t hold the same appeal.

Tips for Those Considering Going Alcohol-Free

If you’re contemplating reducing or eliminating alcohol, ask yourself why you drink in the first place. Is the reason strong enough to continue? Recruiting support from friends and family can be invaluable. It can be a lonely journey without a supportive community. Having others champion your goals makes the transition smoother and more enjoyable.


Going alcohol-free has been a revelation, not just for my physical health but also for my mental clarity and overall well-being. It’s a personal journey, one that has led to better sleep, improved relationships, and a deeper alignment with my values. Whether it’s for a short break or a long-term commitment, the benefits are clear. If you’re on the fence, take the leap. You might just find a whole new perspective on life waiting for you.

Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly