I just want to make a quick post to express by gratitude to @sgcarney for writing these two brilliant books.
Recently I’ve been doing a deep dive into the benefits of meditation and cold exposure with regards to how I can help my clients recover from back pain and injury.
I’ve been practicing the @iceman_hof method on and off for about 5 years now and after reading about Scott’s experience on Kilimanjaro in “What doesn’t kill us”, I’m doubling down.
I mean this ‘average guy’ as he calls himself, managed to climb to the top of Kilimanjaro in a pair of shorts, no T-shirt, in less that 30 hours.
To put that into perspective most climbing organizations would advise 5 days to climb to the top and tell you that if you tried it in under 30 hours you would probably die! What made this possible? One thing #wimhofmethod
For those of you who are interested in how to change your physiology by manipulating your external environments without the needs for pills of surgery then “The Wedge” is for you.
Through personal experimentation Scott explored many different ways of changing his external environment so that he could better control his body’s physiology (internal environment).
Through cold exposure, heat exposure, oxygen deprivation and Ayahuasca (to name but a few) he showed how he could take conscious control of seemingly unconscious bodily processes.
In many ways “The Wedge” parallels my journey with seeking out the edges of what is possible for healing, and I will be referencing it in the months and years to come.
Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly
"Oh My Gosh- I am ALREADY feeling relief after a few days! I used to wake up 2-3 times a night with shooting pain that anti inflammatories couldn't touch. Now I have been waking up just because I want to notice what it feels like to lay in bed pain free- THANK YOU!."
"When I first started with your program I was experience a lot of pain. Walking was difficult. I had to stop and catch my breath every few minutes and lean against a wall for support. Now when I walk with my husband we go for over an hour. I never had to sit down and stop...and, hardly any pain!!! 😊😊 I can’t thank you enough."
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Discover how to heal from illness and injury using movement, food and lifestyle.
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