Bottom Up and Top Down, The Back’s Silent Bullies

July 21, 2020

Did you know that your scoliosis or back pain can be effected from the bottom up or top down?

Most clinicians look at the back as the source of the problem, when in reality the back is usually a victim of something else not working to its optimal potential.

I’ll give you 2 examples.

One of the most commonly injured areas is the lower back, specifically the L5 S1 junction. This is where the spinal vertebra join with the bones of the pelvis. I’ve frequently seen articles written by prominent physicians saying things like “back pain is the price we pay for standing upright”…and they are correct…with just one caveat.

“Back pain is the price we pay for standing upright when we have tight hips, a tight upper back and motor patterns that aren’t functional”…Sure it’s not quite as catchy but you get my point.

So, let’s look at the hips. They are the biggest joints in the body. They have lots of muscles that pull on them allowing them to move in all 6 directions with every conceivable iteration in between. However, they can easily become locked down by prolonged sitting or inactivity.

The body is great at adapting and the tiny movement that is lost in the hip is now compensated for by the spine…it’s so subtle that we don’t even notice…however if we reach the recommended goal of 10,000 steps a day that would mean 10,000 aberrant micro movements in the lumbar spine. If you add that up over a few years its no wonder that discs start to degenerate, bone spurs start to grow and arthritis sets in.

The same goes for the thoracic spine. Unlike the neck or the lumbar spine the mechanics of the thoracic spine allow it to move in all combinations in all directions. Sure, it doesn’t move as much as it’s neighbours because it has the ribs to contend with but generally it is very adaptable. However, this adaptability is what leads it to become stiff from prolonged forward posture.

Now it doesn’t have the freedom to move as it once did and it calls on its friends the neck and the lumbar spine to do a little more movement.

Then the already stressed lumbar spine now is getting bullied from above and below and the neck starts doing the job of the thorax and we end up with the two most common areas of pain, neck pain and lower back pain.

One solution to this is to look at these common problem areas every time you want to help you back.

Work your hips and your thorax and you will see amazing things happen in your neck and lower back, (I’m using a bottom up approach in the picture).

If you want to know more about it make sure you sign up here and I’ll email you directly.

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Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly