I love this video by Dr Mike Evans – one of the God father of the Life Style Medicine movement.
He’s addressing such an important subject. Essentially we don’t move enough. However, this isn’t our fault….OK it is but we are really victims of our physiology. We have evolved to seek out high calorie foods and then try and not expend calories just incase we don’t get to eat for a while. This was a great strategy for our ancestors but not so good for us. In most developed countries starvation isn’t a problem, it’s an easy access to high calorie foods at any time of the day that’s the problem. I think recently the world reached a tipping point where the number of obese people actually out numbered the number of malnourished people.
Part of me thinks this is a cause for a celebration, but it isn’t. The problem is that obesity causes a whole host of health problems. Couple that with out desire to be as ‘efficient’ as possible and you can easily see why non communicable diseases (NCDs) kill around 40 million people each year, that is around 70% of all deaths globally. An NCD is another way of saying lifestyle problem.
I’d like you to watch the video.
He has such an unassuming way of presenting and suggests wonderful tips like just how good for you going for a dog walk is and presents science to back it up.
I hope this inspires you to add just a little extra movement into you day, be it some walking or even some of my movements on youtube.com/edpaget
It can have some amazing affects to your health and wellbeing especially if you are in pain with your spine.
Also how would you answer the question he asks at the end?
Over the last 10 years Ed has been building a YouTube library to help people manage their own pain or movement limitations and increase performance through exercise. He regularly adds videos so be sure to subscribe and visit regularly
"Oh My Gosh- I am ALREADY feeling relief after a few days! I used to wake up 2-3 times a night with shooting pain that anti inflammatories couldn't touch. Now I have been waking up just because I want to notice what it feels like to lay in bed pain free- THANK YOU!."
"When I first started with your program I was experience a lot of pain. Walking was difficult. I had to stop and catch my breath every few minutes and lean against a wall for support. Now when I walk with my husband we go for over an hour. I never had to sit down and stop...and, hardly any pain!!! 😊😊 I can’t thank you enough."
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